viernes, 17 de mayo de 2019

On the way to more, Suffering or Joy?

Chapter II

Mary being bothered. From

In the second chapter, Mary is on her way to live with an English clergyman and his family, since her parents have died. When she arrived in the house she discovered that she will not like the place because of the circumstances in which they live. It was definitely a big family, but they were poor. Mary instead of feeling good because of her new family, she felt vulnerable and this was not because her parents died. In fact, she does not even miss their parents because she barely knew them. Mary was upset because of the five children that bothered her. They always make fun of her and they gave her a mocking nickname borrowed from a nursery rhyme: "Mistress Mary, Quite Contrary."

Secondly, Mary is informed by Basil, the favorite among the children, that she will be sent to England to live with one uncle called Archibald Craven that she did not even know. However, she has heard a lot about him from others before her trip. She heard that he lives in mysterious house and he is always depressed because his wife has died. A few days later, she does indeed set sail for England and there Mrs. Medlock, the housekeeper, is the one who is responsible of Mary. They both take a train to Yorkshire where her uncle is located. During the journey, Mrs. Medlock started telling Mary everything about the house that there are about hundred rooms and all of them are kept locked and shuttered due to depression and all his problems. Mary was surprised about the different stories and she was unsure of what awaited her in that house.

Thirdly, I need to admit that it does not bother me the fact that Mary does not miss her parents. Also, I do not think it is cruel because they were their parents, but they have never taken her into account for anything they were going to do. It was always about themselves and their image in the public eye. Therefore, I believe that one cannot say that Mary is a bad person, In fact, she  has expressed many times that she has never received love by anyone and because of that she cannot give back that to other people. My perspective is different when it comes to Mary because she is a child and she has already gone through the worst things that one can imagine, but despite all that she is still standing and having fun.

Chapter III

Mary alone in her -new home- Photo taken by Laura Aguilera 

All of a sudden the train has arrived in Yorkshire. Mary and Mrs. Medlock board a carriage there, which takes them through a village; at that moment, it was all rainy and gloomy and they passed through places without any trees or anything and she expressed }I do not like it~ since she loves gardening. When they finally arrived in house, they did not have the warmest welcome because Archibald Craven did not even want to see them. Therefore, Mrs. Medlock took Mary to a room and told her not to disturb as well as not to explore. Mary was again in the same situation, a group of people that dislike her and do not take her into account.
I wonder now, Will she still be the same lonely girl? Will she find more problems in that house? Will she ever meet and get to know her uncle? The second and the third chapters were really descriptive. The author took the time to set every situation appropriately so that the reader can understand what is happening without much difficulty. My favorite part was when Basil tells her that she is going home and Mary replies "Where is home?" This shows what she feels inside. She believes that she does not belong anywhere.

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